Psoriasis Treatments

There are many different approaches to the treatment of psoriasis.  The doctors Village Dermatology are experts in the treatment of psoriasis in Houston.  They can discuss with you the various treatment options and come up with a good plan of attack.

Treating psoriasis can be extremely important in terms of not only managing the skin, but also in terms of preventing other disease processes that can be associated with psoriasis.  In addition, treating and improving the skin can have a great impact on the psychosocial well-being of patients. Schedule an appointment to discuss options.

The dermatologists at Village Dermatology have all the tools needed to treat psoriasis. Listed below are all the services that we can offer patients within our clinic. 

Topical therapy:

Prescription creams and ointments can be a good place to start for mild psoriasis.  These are medications that are applied to the body to decrease the inflammation in the skin.  For moderate to severe disease, and for patients who have systemic symptoms, they may not always be appropriate.  The most common topical treatments are topical corticosteroids and vitamin D analogues.  



Phototherapy, or light therapy, involves exposing the skin to ultraviolet light on a regular basis.  This is done under medical supervision, and it can help to clear the skin lesions of psoriasis.  Sometimes it can be used in combination with systemic therapies.  Our office is one of the few offices in Houston to offer phototherapy.  Please note, that indoor tanning is NOT a substitute for in-office UV therapy.  Indoor tanning raises the risk of melanoma by up to 59%, and it is not recommended by dermatologists. At Village Dermatology we can offer this service directly to our patients. 


Traditional systemic medications:

These are among the initial medications that have been used to treat psoriasis, and they are medications that are taken orally or sometimes by injection.  These medications are often used for moderate to severe psoriasis.  Some examples include methotrexate, acitretin (Soriatane), and cyclosporine.  They are usually cost-effective and often generic, but their use may be limited by potential side effects.



Biologic drugs, also known as "biologics," are used more and more frequently these days.  They are typically used in patients with moderate to severe psoriasis and/or psoriatic arthritis that has not responded to other treatments.  They typically impact an aspect of the immune system to combat psoriasis.  These medications are typically given by injection (occasionally by intravenous or IV infusion).  As more and more research is done on psoriasis, newer medications are being approved, so treatment options are expanding.  Examples of biologics include Enbrel, Humira, Stelara, Cosentyx, Taltz, and Tremfya. 


New oral treatments:

Otezla (apremilast) is a newer oral treatment option that improves psoriasis by inhibiting molecules that are associated with inflammation.  Otezla can be taken by mouth unlike the biologic agents, but some patients do experience potential side effects.