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Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

PRP injections in Houston are rapidly becoming one of the more popular management options for male and female pattern hair loss. Call Honey with questions anytime: 713-487-4061

Who can benefit?

Patients of all ages can be affected, and it can be very distressing.  Up until now, treatment options had been limited, but with the introduction of PRP therapy, non-surgical hair restoration is becoming more of an exciting possibility

How does it work?

The Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) process involves drawing blood from a patient, spinning the blood, and separating out part of the plasma that has a very high concentration of platelets.  Platelets are important in clotting, but also in wound healing because they contain hundreds of growth factors.  Once the platelet rich plasma is generated, it is then injected back into the same patient's scalp, a process known as an autologous injection which is OFF LABEL use for hair loss.  While PRP is not FDA for hair loss, there may be growth factors in PRP work to stimulate the natural growth factors present in the skin and hair follicles.   


Does it hurt?

Our office uses a machine that blows cold air on your scalp during the procedure.  While this air is blowing, the PRP is injected with tiny needles that feel like little bee stings.  While there is a little discomfort, it is quite tolerable, and the injections are finished very quickly.  Afterwards, patients feel a sensation of "fullness" in their scalp because of the volume of PRP that has been injected.  Typically patients can resume their normal activity without any problems.