
Microneedling Treatments Available in Houston, Texas

Microneedling is becoming one of the most popular skin care treatments performed.  It is a safe and effective way to reduce wrinkles and treat scars without heat or ablation.  The Skin Pen uses a process known as automated microneedling which creates thousands of microscopic channels in the skin in order to induce collagen.  Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT) makes use of the body's natural response to healing in order to increase the collagen and elastin in the skin.  Collagen and elastin are naturally found in the skin, and they help give the skin a healthy glow and more youthful appearance.

The Microneedling Procedure — How Does it Work?

The microscopic channels created by the microneedling allow the body's natural healers, blood, serum, and lymph, to leak into surrounding areas in a controlled manner.  These tiny, microscopic "injuries" are enough to initiate the wound healing cascade, allowing the skin to heal itself from the inside.  The microscopic channels also allow the skin to absorb topical creams, gels, and serums more effectively, allowing for superior results with minimal downtime.  Microneedling can also be done with Platelet Rich Plasma, which introduces growth factors into the skin that promote healing and rejuvenation. It is considered a safe procedure for all skin types.

What are the Benefits?

Microneedling results:

  • a reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles

  • improvement in pigment

  • overall more youthful-appearing skin

  • fewer signs of aging giving a fresher appearance and glow to the skin due to the induction of collagen.

  • diminished hyperpigmentation, acne scars, traumatic scars, and stretch marks.  

What Can You Expect? Does it Hurt?

The procedure feels similar to light sandpaper being moved across the skin.  In most areas, there is minimal discomfort, though some areas of the skin are more sensitive than others.  The use of topical numbing cream, the speed of the needles, and the hydrating gels uses help make the treatment very tolerable and virtually painless.  

Downtime is minimal, and recovery is quick.  The first two days, patients can expect redness, almost as with a sunburn.  Most people heal completely within 2-4 days, although some patients report the redness fading as quickly as 24 hours.  Patients who have undergone the procedure should avoid wearing makeup and sunscreen for the first two days, so sun avoidance is extremely important.  After that, you can resume your usual topical regimen.

When will Results be Visible?

You don’t have to wait long to see visible results from your treatment. Results will begin to be visible about a week after the treatment, and they will continue to improve over the weeks following the treatment. Results can continue to improve for up to 6 months following the treatment.  

Patients typically receive 3 to 4 treatments, but some may need up to 6 sessions spaced about 4 to 6 weeks apart.  Patients with very deep scarring or wrinkles are more likely to need extra sessions.  When combined with other cosmetic procedures, results are even better.

Micro-Needling Pre- and Post- Procedure Care Instructions 

Post-Operative Treatment

  • After the treatment, take precautions against sun exposure. Do not apply sunscreen for 12 hours after the microneedling treatment due to the skin’s channels being open for a period of time and due to the toxic nature of some sunscreens on the market.

  • Do not perform any vigorous exercise for at least 12 hours after treatment. 

  • Do not apply make-up for at least 12 hours after the treatment.

  • Micro needling may trigger a cold sore response in patients and a prophylaxis medication should be recommended to those who are prone to breakouts.

  • Wash the face thoroughly a few hours after treatment. Gently massage the face with tepid water, and remove all serum and other debris such as dried blood.

  • For the first 1-3 days the skin will be very dry and feel tight.

  • After 2-3 days patients can return to regular skin care products or as soon as it is comfortable to do so.

  • Avoid alcohol based toners 10-14 days.

  • Avoid direct sun exposure for at least 10 days if possible.


Treatment Recovery Timeline

  • Day 1: Erythema and red appearance and severity will depend upon how aggressive the treatment was performed. 

  • Day 2: A red hue or pink hue persists like a moderate sunburn. Swelling may be more noticeable on the second day. 

  • Day 3: Skin can be pink or normal color. Swelling subsides.

Gentle care is recommended for 5 days

Call if any questions or concerns.