Houston Fraxel Laser Treatment

Fraxel laser is the first non-ablative fractional skin resurfacing treatment. This treatment is for people who want to look younger without dramatic changes or extended downtime. Treatment improves tone, texture and radiance for aging, sun-damaged or scarred skin.

Schedule an appointment with Village Dermatology Houston about Fraxel laser treatment.

How it Works

Fraxel laser treatment targets aging and sun-damaged skin with microscopic laser columns that penetrate deep into your skin to expedite your body’s remodeling of collagen. Since the laser treats only a fraction of tissue at a time, it leaves the surrounding tissue intact, which promotes very rapid healing. Fraxel treatment resurfaces your skin by stimulating the growth of new, healthy skin cells from the inside out.

Fraxel is Effective On

  • Fine lines and wrinkles like crow’s feet and brow lines

  • Surface scarring - helps improve acne scars and surgical scars

  • Pigmentation - diminishing the appearance of age spots

  • Sun damage - helping improve the appearance of sun damaged skin

  • Actinic Keratosis (AK) - treating a common skin condition.

Treatment Instructions and Reminders

  • The day of your fraxel treatment please come without makeup. 

  • You will be red and notice the greatest amount of swelling on the morning after treatment. The intensity and duration of these side-effects depends on the aggressiveness of your treatment and how you heal. It is best not to schedule this treatment within two weeks of an engagement for which you have concern about your appearance.

  • Stop all active tanning, either from the sunshine or tanning booth, at least two weeks prior to treatment. There are no restrictions on the use of self-tanning products.

  • Do not have any laser or other light-based treatments until your series of Fraxel® Laser Treatments is complete, unless approved by our office.

  • If you use products that contain glycolic acid, retinoids, or retinols; stop them 2 weeks prior to treatment.  Read the labels on all of your skin care products, including over-the-counter.

  • Two weeks prior to your Fraxel® Laser Treatment use the Alastin Regenerating Skin Nectar $211 twice a day.

  • Plan to use non-irritating and non-clogging skin care products for the first week or so after treatment.  We offer a post laser product kit by Skinceuticals $312

  • Products included in that kit are Gentle Cleanser, epidermal repair, biocellulose masks and phyto-corrective mask, hydra balm and physical uv defense.

  • If you have a history of cold sores please advise us; you will need to take preventative medication.

Post Care Instructions

Fraxel® Laser Treatment produces side-effects. The intensity and duration of your side effects depends on the treatment's aggressiveness and your individual healing characteristics. Generally, patients who are treated more aggressively experience more intense side-effects that last longer. However, some patients have greater than “expected” reactions to less aggressive treatments and others have fewer side-effects to aggressive treatments than would ordinarily be expected. Notify The office if the severity of your side-effects becomes a problem for you. Swelling.  You will notice most of the swelling on the first morning after treatment, particularly under the eyes. Swelling usually lasts two to three days. To minimize swelling do the following:

  • Sleep elevated the first night. Use as many pillows as you can tolerate.

  • Redness. Most redness resolves during the first week after treatment, but a rosy “glow” can remain for 10-14 days. If you wish, you can apply makeup 24 hours after treatment to minimize the redness.

  • Dry skin.  Your skin may feel dry, peel, or flake. You may notice a “sandpaper” texture a few days after treatment. This is the treated tissue working its way out of your body as new fresh skin is regenerated.

  • Bronzing, Crusting and Small Dark Dots.  Fraxel Laser Treatment causes destruction to microscopic cylinders of skin which then exfoliates during the healing process. In individuals with heavily pigmented skin, or in areas where sun damage has produced pigmented lesions, these microscopic wounds, known as MENDs, contain large amounts of melanin. Because there are so many MENDs, they can make the skin look bronzed, or small areas appear crusted (do not try to scratch them off). When high energies are used to produce deep and wide lesions, the MENDs can sometimes be seen as individual dark dots. On the face, the MENDs will shed within 7-10 days. Off the face, it may take as long as 3 weeks for the MENDs to shed.

  • Raw Skin.  If you develop areas of raw skin post treatment, keep them moist balm.  keep the areas moist and do not pick at them.  They will heal very rapidly on their own and without problems.

How To Care For Your Skin After Treatment

Congratulations!  You have taken the first step toward more healthy and radiant looking skin by having a Fraxel re:store™ laser treatment. Now it is important to help your skin heal quickly and protect your skin investment.

  • DUAL LASER ONLY - FIRST 3-4 DAYS.  Apply a light layer of balm (fresh product only) after cleansing 3-4 times per day.

  • Skin Care Products.  All of your skin care products should be non-irritating and non-clogging for a few weeks after Fraxel Laser Treatment. We recommend Gentle Cleanser, epidermal repair, biocellulose masks and phyto-corrective mask, hydra balm.

  • Sunscreen.  According to the American Academy of Dermatology, proper and frequent application of sunscreen is very important. The sunscreen should offer broadband protection (UVA and UVB) and have a sun protection factor (SPF) of 30 or more. You should first apply sunscreen 20 minutes before going outside, and again, immediately before. After that, reapply your sunscreen every 2 hours. If direct sun exposure is necessary, wear a hat and clothing that covers the treated area. Use this regimen during the healing period and always. 

  • Moisturizer.  Remember that peeling and/or flaking is normal during the healing process. You could develop breakouts.  Please let the office know if you do.

  • Scrubs, Toners, Glycolic Acid, and Retin A.  Your skin will be sensitive for the first week or so after treatment, so do not use products that will cause irritation during this time. Do not use abrasive scrubs, toners, or products that contain glycolic acids or Retin A. Read the product labels.

  • Resume your normal skin care regimen when your skin has fully healed.

  • Cold Sores.  If you have a history of cold sores, ask your doctor about care!