
What is Sculptra exactly?

Sculptra is an injectable liquid made of Poly-L-Lactic Acid. It’s the synthetic form of lactic acid, which your body produces naturally following exercise. It is perfectly safe, FDA-approved, and contains absolutely no animal by-products or human DNA.

How Does Sculptra Work?

Sculptra acts as a bio-activator and extremely powerful collagen stimulator. It stimulates your own collagen, allowing tissue to volumize gradually. Over time, the Poly-L-Lactic Acid dissipates as your own tissue takes its place. Since the product triggers your body to build its own collagen, results are not immediate and can take anywhere from 4-6 months.

Who is a Good Candidate for Treatment?

If you’re concerned with hollowness and/or loss of volume due to aging, weight loss, etc. you’re most likely a candidate for Sculptra. We require a quick consultation prior to treatment to be sure that Sculptra is the right treatment for you.


What Areas can be Treated?

Sunken cheeks and temples are by far the most common areas treated. However, many patients see great benefits from Sculptra when injected in the chin, smile lines and the jawline too.

Learn More About Fillers

Various filler options, Filler pre-and post-care instructions.

Botox, Dysport and Xeomin


Refyne & Defyne



